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Alparslan Buyuk Seljuk 24 English & Bangla Subtitle It’s Free | Turkey TV Series

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Muhammad Tapar 1105–18

Alparslan Buyuk Seljuk 24 English & Bangla Subtitle It’s Free | Turkey TV Series Initially, it seemed as if the remnants of the Seljuk sultanate might dis- integrate into warring factions of amirs.213 The amirs were themselves split between those who supported the claim of Malikshah, the partisans of Sulaymanshah, and the supporters of Arslan, who was under the control of Ildegüz. Malikshah secured Isfahan, but the Hamadhan- based amirs inclined towards Sulaymanshah.

214 The latter was released by Qutb al-Din Mawdud according to instructions left by Muhammad before his death; the Mosul amir’s power was to be secured by becoming Sulaymanshah’s atabeg, while other senior positions were assured for Mawdud’s henchmen.

215 The problem of Malikshah was soon solved for the caliphal vizier ‘Awn al-Din b. Hubayra had him poisoned by a slave girl in 555/1160,

216, while Sulaymanshah himself – allegedly a total drunk whose affairs were completely managed by the amir Sharaf al-Din Girdbazu – was imprisoned by Girdbazu and other amirs who had tired of his antics in Shawwal 555/October 1160, and was then murdered.

217 This left Arslan, still in the hands of his atabeg Ildegüz, as the principal surviving claimant. Ildegüz’s achievement of his aim of seating his candidate on the Seljuk throne in Hamadhan marks a further diminution of the status of the sultan. As Husayni described it in a telling phrase, the sultan Arslan was outwardly the ruler (kāna ‚ūratan fī ’l- mulk), and the atabeg Ildegüz was the substance (ma‘nā), having orders executed, granting iq†ā‘s, have- charge of the treasuries and transferring them to wherever he wanted in the country. In contrast, the sultan could not even discuss anything with him. Makes a passing reference to the sultan.

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Alparslan Buyuk Seljuk Episode 24 English Subtitle It’s Free Turkey TV Series

219 The document (dated 26 Muharram 553/27 February 1158) is issued in the name of Ildegüz’s son Muhammad Jahan Pahlawan alone; evidently, it had not taken the Ildegüzids long to decide to dispense with the Seljuks for all practical purposes. Although Qummi alludes to a plot to restore Arslan to real power, draw- ing on the support of amirs disaffected with Ildegüz, nothing came of it.

220 This ‘dyarchy’ survived until 583/1187, with the sultan providing legitimacy for the Ildegüzid atabegs. More profoundly, however, the dyarchy represented basically a Caucasian takeover of the sultanate, with the Jibal effectively annexed to Arran, although Hamadhan remained politically important. War with Georgia features prominently in accounts of the period, reflecting this Caucasian orientation, although Ildegüzid rule saw the restoration of a modicum of stability in Jibal. Tellingly,

it was in Nakhchivan, not any of the cities of the Jibal traditionally associated with the legitimate rule, that Ildegüz built a tomb of exceptional artistry and skill for his Seljuk wife, Mu’mina Khatun (see Figure 2.3). It was at the Ildegüzid court, rather than with the Seljuk sultans, that ambitious bureaucrats sought to make their careers. Control of revenue-producing lands, and thus finances, now rested with the atabegs.

221 The problem of amiral destabilization, however, was never overcome: Ildegüz’s ill- documented successor, Jahan Pahlawan, attempted to circum- vent it by stripping the amirs of their iq†ā‘s and granting them to his personal slaves instead, but this proved fruitless.

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Alparslan Buyuk Seljuk Episode 24 English Subtitle It’s Free Turkey TV Series

222 Essentially, Jahan Pahlawan’s arrangement relied on his slaves being paid through booty, which required raiding. Thus, Isfahan and Fars were among the prime targets during his reign, but on his death, the slave governors turned on each other and on Iraq. Yet the struggles between Pahlawan’s former slaves provided a window through which the last Seljuk sultan, Tughrıl, attempted to assert his independence. The Last Seljuk: The Reign of Tughrıl III, 571/1175–590/1194 Tughrıl was seven years old at his accession in 571/1175, and for the first ten years of his reign Jahan Pahlawan continued to exercise effective rule.

223 When, for instance, Saladin invaded northern Mesopotamia in 578/1182, besieging Mosul which still recognized Ildegüzid and ultimately Seljuk suzerainty, Jahan Pahlawan was in full control of both the diplomatic and military response: the youthful sultan is scarcely mentioned in contemporary sources.

224 On Jahan Pahlawan’s death in 582/1186, wrangling broke out among his relatives – to such an extent, Rwanda tells us, that the atabeg’s body remained unburied for two or three months.

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Alparslan Buyuk Seljuk Episode 24 English Subtitle It’s Free Turkey TV Series

225 His obvious successor was his brother Qızıl Arslan, but a substantial party of amirs did not welcome the prospect of his domination and rallied around Tughrıl, who became an increasing force to be reckoned with. Tughrıl also seems to have been able to call on significant Türkmen support.

226 Caliph al-N asir backed Qızıl Arslan, and reacted with violent fury to the sultan’s request in 583/1187 that he be allowed to reoccupy the sultanic palace in Baghdad, razing the buildings to the ground. Evidently al- Nasir, understandably enough, had no wish to allow even a relatively weak Seljuk anywhere near Baghdad, but the army al- Nasir sent against Tughrıl was humiliatingly defeated at Day Margin 584/1188.

227 Tughrıl secured several victories over the Ildegüzids and the caliph, and attempted to solve the fundamental problems of the sultanate by appointing men with financial experience as vizier,

Alparslan Buyuk Seljuk Episode 24 English Subtitle It's Free Turkey TV Series
Alparslan Buyuk Seljuk Episode 24 English Subtitle It’s Free Turkey TV Series

228 to ensure a greater coordination between the general strategy and its technical implementation. However, his authority was limited to the now relatively impoverished territories of Jibal. Iraq was securely under al- Nasir’s control, and Tughrıl’s campaigns in Azerbaijan made little headway against Qızıl Arslan. In 586/1190, Qızıl succeeded in capturing Tughrıl and deposing him, replacing him with the malik Sanjar b. Sulayman b. Malikshah.

229 Egged on by the caliph, Qızıl Arslan decided to do away with the Seljuk dynasty altogether and proclaim himself sultan. Yet his death shortly afterwards in 587/1191 gave Tughrıl one more chance, and in 589/1192 the sultan regained his throne.

Alparslan Buyuk Seljuk 24 English & Bangla Subtitle It’s Free | Turkey TV Series

Alparslan Buyuk Seljuk 24 Bangla Subtitle It’s Free | Turkey TV Series

Alparslan Buyuk Seljuk Episode 24 English & Bangla Subtitle It’s Free | Turkey TV Series

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